Wearables are one of the most powerful promotional products when done correctly.

Check out our branding tips below and access our screen print pricing calculator to get started!

Why decorate your apparel?

BRAND VISIBILITY – Spread awareness and increase recognition, recall, impressions AND reach with each garment.

BRAND LOYALTY – Create a sense of community and corporate culture with garments that represent team, unity, and relationships. Gifting an experience to your clients through apparel will keep you top of mind for their next purchase.

How to make it count:

Invest in high quality. Convey success with garments made of quality material for a comfy, tailored item people WANT to wear. You will NOT get repeat impressions with poor quality, uncomfortable garments. This has an effect on the outcome of print processes as well.

Use professional designs. Inspire interest and add value by creating an emotional, memorable connection through eye catching design that puts your brand on a walking billboard. COST EFFECTIVE TIP: Use this design across multiple promotional products to create a branded experience for a cohesive campaign.

Differentiate & stand out. Use unique decoration locations and techniques to create fashion forward and more upscale pieces. Remember, how you market yourself is a direct reflection of how you want people to perceive your brand. Don’t be basic!

Click here for our full pricing list and contact us with any questions!