The end of year calls for a brand audit – use the following information and download our free interactive checklist to finish strong and set your brand up for success in the new year!

Establish a primary logo, brand fonts & colors.
A strong logo is the nucleus of a successful brand. Having a horizontal AND a stacked version ensures that it can be used across all media and is less likely to get altered and create inconsistencies. Establishing and being strict with brand colors and fonts makes it easier for your clients to recognize your brand and increases recall. Following a brand guide increases the value of your business – first impressions are everything!

Present your mission clearly.
Make it fool-proof for your clients to believe they need your product or service. State exactly what it is that you are offering and how it will add value to their lives. Eliminate any chance of second guessing by being transparent and and to the point.

Create a brand voice that relates to your ideal client.
Brand voice is anything put out into the world that represents your brand – text in your website, social media content and marketing materials like flyers and promo are all pieces that need to be cohesive and emulate the same vibe. That vibe needs to be one that your ideal client can relate to and trust. Do some research on your target market and adjust your voice to speak their language.

Engage in social media & the local community.
The more you engage, the more your business will achieve growth. Keep word of mouth positive. DM organic followers on social media to thank them for the support and ask if they have any questions for you – make real connections with people who are already showing interest in your brand. Donate time, products or services to local causes that align with your brand and are important to you. Sponsoring events, offering discounts to service men and women or teachers or volunteering as a team is another way to engage and show you care while generating multiple touch points that bring awareness to your brand.

Show the love to your clients with branded swag.
There is major marketing strength in promotional products. Giving away swag that aligns with your brand in a memorable way will pay for itself when you gain brand ambassadors. Showing appreciation to existing clients with branded items will keep you top of mind for repeat purchases. Get a dream clients’ attention by treating them to something creative and special that makes your brand unforgettable. Promotional products have staying power and generate additional impressions when re-used.

We incorporate promo into ALL of our marketing strategies. Learn more about how to use branded swag to elevate your next campaign HERE.

This applies to each of the check points above and to everything you do in marketing. If you are consistent in keeping all of these brand fundamentals in check, it will be easy for clients to find your business, recall your business, develop trust and become brand ambassadors. Your brand value will increase and sales and income will follow.

This short list may seem overwhelming when you start to tackle it, but you do not have to be an expert on everything. Start with a call to Big Bunny and we will guide you on the path to life-long branding success!